Saturday, June 17, 2023

Introducing Treitak Thayat

This week marks the start of the narrative campaign. Morat Vanguard Treitak Thayat, my Spec Op, will be seeing the battlefield. In universe, Thayat is a seasoned operative who has become familiar with humanity through years of combat on Paradiso and Durgama.

Our instructions are clear - collect human supply drops to starve out the entrenched forces and prevent their reinforcements from gaining a foothold. The Morat Aggression Force will need to be swift and decisive in this action. Elite Invincible Army Forces are moving to intercept - we will break their armor and their spirits.

Mission 1: Securing Supplies

 The Mission In recent days, Dawn has been swarming with reinforcements from the Combined Army and the Human Sphere. It is a mad dash to sec...